I read this post on Six Until Me yesterday (nearly cried), and it reminded me that my own diaversary is in a month.
Three years is a lot, and I didn't even remember until someone else inadvertantly reminded me.
I guess that's good. It means it's not a part of every thought anymore. My blood sugars are awesome most days (except for waking up low seven out of eight days), and my 90 day average - which is fairly close to what my A1c will be - is getting lower every day. :)
So this year, I'll approach the date with a smile and a happy jig (because getting up at 6.30 in the morning every day is filling me with joy and energy), because diabetes isn't who I am, never will be, and I will beat this.
And on a completely unrelated note: My just-pulled-out-site really hurts and is swollen, I think.
And grape Dex4 glucose tablets are like a grape punch to the face. You know, rasberry and watermelon are like rasberry and watermelon, while orange is like oOrange and tropical punch has a bit of a punch, but grape is like GRAPE!
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