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Friday, August 3, 2012


My blood sugars yesterday were not okay. NOT okay.

If I had a CGM, yesterday would have been steep mountains and deep ravines.

So, at quarter to one in the morning I was 5.7 (102). (Don't ask why I tested myself at that time, after I'd been asleep, because I have no idea. At all.)

When I woke up (at 6am), 6.4 (115). An hour later, 8.7(157).

11am - 2.9 (52)
11.15am - 5.6 (100)
12pm - 9.7 (174) (with a full bolus for lunch)
3.15pm - 21.5 (387)
4.30pm - 6.0 (108)
5.15pm - 3.1 (56)
5.30pm - 5.2 (93)
6pm - 7.3 (131)
6.30pm - 5.5 (99)
7.40pm - 7.8 (140)
9.55pm - 2.6 (46)
10.10pm - 4.6 (83)
10.20pm - 7.1 (128)
10.40pm - 8.1 (146)
11.15pm - 10.0 (180)
2.30am - 15.1 (272)

(A lot of test strips gave up their lives yesterday).

And I woke up this morning at 15.5. (279)

Some days, this makes stuff no sense. At all. And it's quite infuriating.


  1. I know how you feel girlie! Bloddsugar rollercoasters are just part of the fun of being a diabetic! ;)

    1. Yep...I found that out rather harshly recently. :)
