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Monday, November 14, 2011

Rockin' the blue: WDD 2011

Today is World Diabetes Day (WDD)!
I went full-out blue today to encourage awareness. Blue jeans, blue shirt, blue smiley earrings (well, one was yellow, but still...the idea was there), partially blue socks, blue hoodie...completely blue. Oh, and the crowning blueness: a blue ring necklace that I found! I was ecstatic. I mean, can you get any more perfect?

Anyway, so today rocked. Oh yeah, blue nail polish too. I tried to do blue circles on white, but it didn't work. Ah well - there's still the rest of the month. Oh, and the year after, and the year after, and the year after...

Because this post looks too short, here's another poem. (I've been writing lots of poems lately...not sure why...)
This one is loosely based on my diagnosis, but it could be whatever.


Crying, crying
Not knowing what to do
Alone, alone
So small in a big world
Scared, so scared
Not knowing how to feel
Questioning, questioning
What to do, what to say, why me?
Sad, so sad
Fragile as glass
Angry, angry
Why me? Why me?
Depressed, depressed
Just want it to go and stay away
Convinced, convinced
I will live my life and I'll be just fine
Knowing, knowing
That nothing will ever get in my way.

Just a random blurb that was jotted down on a random piece of paper at the back of my binder. I thought it seemed appropriate to put here.

Thanks for reading and putting up with my random poetry (which I hope you enjoy)! :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Imagine having to poke a hole in your finger ten times a day, every day.
Imagine being attached to a metal box 24/7. Don't like that one? Imagine instead having to stick yourself with needles at least four times a day, every day.
Imagine never being able to go anywhere without sugar and a bulky glucose tester.
Imagine having to tell people that you weren't normal, that there was something that set you apart.
Imagine that you had to be on your guard all the time.
Imagine having to refuse some things sometimes, like candy and active games.
Imagine that all this was a reality.
Imagine knowing that you would never be able to live without this reality.

Now, imagine that this was all okay.
Imagine that you aren't different, that you don't have to deal with this all the time.
Isn't that a nicer picture?
Now, imagine that you could help us make this into that nice picture.
No, don't imagine it.
Make it a reality.

You can help us find a cure.
November is diabetes awareness month.
Spread the word.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Diabetes Month!

With Halloween come and gone, it's a new month. November, in fact. Which also happens to be diabetes awareness month.
This is a very important month. It's when money is raised (via those "Change for Diabetes"cans) and we spread awareness about this disease.
I'm going to do my part for diabetes month by wearing blue on every November friday and then November 14th, which is a monday. (Diabetes day! Also Frederick Banting's birthday!) I'm also going to donate to the research fund and I'm going to tell people about diabetes. I'm going to take the mis- out of any misconceptions that I hear about this disease, and I'm going to explain to people what it's really all about.
I'm also going to try to post more on this blog this month. If not every day, then at least once or twice a week.
I'd also like to ask something of you, readers (who I thank, and continue to thank for reading this blog).
I'd like to ask that you support this month as well. You don't have to donate, or even wear blue. I'm just asking one thing of you.
Spread this awareness around.

Thank you, now and forever.