Today I signed up for the Telus/JDRF Walk for Diabetes. This is an event where diabetics (or people close to diabetics) get together to fundraise and raise awareness for diabetes. We spend the day getting free stuff (glucometers and the like), walking around the lake, talking, and having fun. I, for one, love this event, even though I have only been once. It's one of the silver linings in the big dark, miserable cloud of diabetes.
This year I am the captain of a team - Maryna's Smileys. Named so because I am enamored of smiley faces. They're so positive and bright. They never fail to send out a joyous message. I sometimes find that when my day has not been too good, my school papers are covered with these happy symbols.
If you or someone you love is touched by diabetes, or anything else, send them a smile.
And if you would like to support JDRF in their fight for a cure, you can find them here.
Thank you all! And keep that smile on your faces!